Sztanyo Christmas Greeting!
May this 2012 Christmas season be your family's
most meaningful ever!  From our family to yours have a
Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year!

Dear Family & Friends,

Merry Christmas to you and your family from Barb and I.  To begin, let’s start with a little fun.  Notice the picture of Andy and Opie with the included caption. Says a lot doesn’t it?  

Sign our guest book at the end of this letter and include what you would like to see a little more of and what you would like to see a little less.  Here is my short list.
I would like to see a little more:                                      A little less:
Thoughtfulness      selfishness
Substance        fluff
Serenity     noise
Discipline         chaos
Piano          fuzz guitar
Righteousness              sinfulness
Greens               sugar
Freedom             government strings
Honesty      deceit
Pitching in little less complaining
More budget constraint       Washington spending
Nature walks    lazy boy
We        me.  

Share with us your ‘more & less’ choice in our guest book below.

2012  has been a good year for Barb and I.  Barb retired after 5 years in her church job of calling on shut-ins with mixed feelings. Many opportunities and friends were made during this time.  She did a good job for the Church in this role.  I have a few flying years left and am still traveling  around the world for Omni and seeing a lot of places I never thought I would. 

Barb and happy Elaina at Davidson park.

Our family, as you can see, is growing and is a tremendous blessing to the both of us.  What a privilege that it has been to see our three sons and their families develop.  Crew additions this year - Corin Solomon born August 2nd to Eric and Wit (left) and Sawyer Lon born on 12/12/12  to Brian and Bridgett (on right).  Beautiful boys, boys boys! 

At year end, I often reflect not only upon my own family and life but sometimes on the much bigger picture of our country and world.  Though this is our most joyous season, there are trends within our society and culture that aren’t pleasant to look at and to be honest cause disappointment and concern.  I am not happy with the trend-lines with; American education, manufacturing, take home pay, economy in general, family makeup and culture’s moral decline.  Unfortunately, some of these trends have been ongoing and seemingly on a one-way street.
There are, however, trend-lines that are more encouraging and are in a much smaller world.  Our world!  The world made up of family and friends.  We are fortunate to be blessed enough to view these trends with a smile.  Raising children and grandchlidren properly with love.  Sharing and being charitable.  Loving and being loved. Being surrounded by productive, trustworthy, citizens and neighbors.  Having a focus on faith, family and friends.  Living out that faith in a way that testifies of whom we believe……. Christ Jesus.   These trends are much more within our control and indeed give satisfaction. 

Yet, there is one other ‘trend-line’ that is moving in the right direction that this season calls our attention to.  This one began over 2,000 years ago as divinity became man and set in place a defined chapter of man’s relationship with God the Father. Time is marching on and the days are getting fewer before this period will culminate with the highly anticipated awe inspiring return of Christ Himself.  This is an event that brings hope and satisfaction, because nothing can alter, deter, or slow down the path toward the day.  And oh what a day!  Until then, may we enjoy our families and one another, the creation in which we live, and labor at doing what is right.  Glory to Him in the highest and peace and goodwill unto men.     

Merry Christmas from Florence!           
From the Kentucky Sztanyo’s

Our Lord” the same yesterday, today and forever!” Heb 13:8

Until next year!
Family Nov 2012 - Back row, Barb, Mike, Brian, Eric & Corin, & Mark,
Front row; Joey, Hallie, Heather & Elaina, Bridgett, Witni with Emil, Marisa, & David. 
For those who can't get enough...... here's a little more!

2012 Offerings

Every year we learn a little something new and wish to try something a little different.  This year we will include links to online photo albums, clips, and writings you can look at as few or as many as you wish.    Hope you find something you enjoy.

My Writings:

  • Tribute To My Greatest Hero: My Dad    Click Here

  • With the Wind - Post Election Thoughts     Click Here

Photo Albums:

  • Tragic Piner KY Tornado Relief Work in Feb  Click Here
  • Reds vs Tigers (wished for prelude to world series...but no)   Click Here

Wishing You the Merriest Christmas of all!

Mark and Barb's Facebook account

Background Music: 
Faith of Our Father wtitten in 1849 by Frederick William Faber
This online Christmas greeting replaces our traditional snail-mail paper version.
Please share this page with your family & Facebook friends.
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